Dinares gurus. us-news-dinar-guru . Dinares gurus

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the Central Bank of Iraq sa. HOME PAGE; NEWS; TWITTER FAN PAGE; FACEBOOK FAN PAGE; DINARESGURUS DISCLAIMER; Tuesday, January 24, 2023. Global Currency Reset Update: No significant change. Mountain Goat. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions. 10 Jan. MarkZ Monday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim. Iraqi News. ; As of Wed. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. com Community is made up of over 70,000 of the most savvy members around. afternoon. 4 to 1. MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Dinar Recaps Blog page has all the best Dinar stories and rumors from all the major Dinar Forums into one place. blogspot. This is the BEST way to be assured you don't miss the RV announcements…. Here is the video I created as I did my YouTube livestream. Anyone could have written that. Dinar guru updates. [via PDK]Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive contentJudy Note: With the Federal Reserve and Central Banks bankrupt, the Global Currency Reset occurred on Sat. What supports it is far more than just one or two assets. Fri. Dinar Guru Updates. If you fail to learn the info contained in this report you are likely to fall victim of the emotional roller coaster ride many dinar speculators fall into. Many people are obsessed about dinarguru. blogspot. @DanAnde35850529. Each visitor makes around 1. PS. On Mon. Publicado por Dinaresgurus. For years, the Iraqi dinar has been a hot issue among investors, with many hoping to profit from a potential increase in value. ” Wed. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. We Are a Gooooooooooooo!!! According to Nick Fleming on Wed. A site called Dinar Recaps has been claiming for quite some time that they gather the best dinar news from forex experts, financial news agencies, speculators, and yes, even “dinar gurus” from around the web. IRAQI DINAR RUMOR, INTEL AND POSTS. Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive contentHis poor members just can’t figure out that Chatter IS HIS Cheddar. Member: saw this on telegram earlier, “latest estimated currency rates” headline. Publicado por Dinaresgurus. At dinaresgurus. com FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:48 PM End of day market prices: Gold: down 23. 0763 USD. Publicado por Dinaresgurus. Kaperoni [Follow up to Guru Kaperoi’s ‘Discovered new dinar research document” Post 4-15-2022]…what is being talked about and proposed in Iraq for the beginning of 2023 is a currency exchange (LOP). Patriots were urged to stay off the streets and away from State. At least two public events must happen before this currency exchange could occur. It’s not 1160. Article: ”MIB Securities: USD/VND exchange rate may increase slightly in 2022” I was excited to see this…even though we are expecting it to be a lot higher. blogspot. The Latest News, Rumors and Articles on dinar detectives updates, dinar rumors and dinar recaps - dinar guru and dinar TNT. Think about this…an increase of one cent on a million VND would be a profit of $10,000. Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 July 19, 2023 MarkZ and Andy Schectman Wednesday Morning Chat 7-19-2023 Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily…. MarkZ July 22, 2023 MarkZ Coffee with MarkZ 01/16/2023. Best pages on Dinaresgurus. We already know they are about to apply Basel 3 requirements to our banks increasing the amount of gold they hold inside their Capital requirements. ht. A few days later the King Pin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – was removed from an International Sanction’s List and Iraq was told they could revalue their Dinar at any time. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest. It’s not tied to an asset until they raise the value…. “DINARES GURUS: DINAR IRAQ AND DONG VIETNAM UPDATE, 7 MAY (From Dinar Guru) Guru Mnt Goat Finally, we hear overtones and direct convictions of some of the real problems with the dinar and the currency policy in Iraq now in place. (Some oil experts suspect Iraq is #1 since large swaths of Iraq have not been explored yet) Brothers TNT Tony and RayRen98 host TNT Superfantastic conference calls. When investing in the Iraqi dinar, you have to do your own research to get the latest dinar recaps and news. com FORO DINAR GURUS en 6:38 AM. net, your go-to source for the latest news, insights, and opinions on a range of topics, including tech, health, sports, finance, and games. Just rambling on, about something we already knew. 71 USD Index: up 1. . This video will go over the Dinar Detectives Updates website as well as the gurus who post there. Central Bank of Iraq – Delete Zeros Off IQD Early 2017 – Arabic News. Did you know. charlie ward! there is not one person in this world or outer space who is qualified to judge me but my savior jesus christ. Ninja. Yesterday at 4:01 PM. Search a Guru's post of This Blog. most of it still untapped. Speculation and Rumors go here. This is a de-facto of a de-pegging of the American dollar…XRP is very good for the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar no doubt because…this XRP system is showing the Iraqi dinar pairing with the Digital. July 20, 2023. Bob Dunn. Bruce, The Big Call Thebigcall. 6h. Your family and friends will likely continue to doubt your decision to invest in the dinar and you’re likely to make poor and foolish decisions in the future. 1 IQD 0. net 667-770-1866 , pin123456# Advertisement Today my contact said we are on the precipic. 🤷🏾 Watch before today’s call. I don’t know why all gurus think they are. ” What…when? They don’t have to tell you when. The Latest Dinar Recaps for the Dinar Gurus at Treasury Vault. Oil Minister: Iraq welcomes Saudi companies . iraqi-news-dinar-guru . . Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-22-2023 Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-22-2023. Open Lettter to TonyTNT - Dinar Guru. July 22, 2023. IRAQI DINAR RUMOR, INTEL AND POSTS. dinar detectives, rumors, dinar recaps, Iraqi news and Find out more! about Iraqi Dinar, Dinar Guru, dinar detectives, dinar recaps, TnT DinarThe Dinar Gurus blog page is a website that gives Iraqi Dinar news, information, and opinions. I am being told by the overwhelming majority of my sources are expecting the international rate for the dinar to be $ 3. 11 May. The Trigger has been Pulled on the Global Currency Reset, Codes Entered, Some paid out. You can read all about how the new Iraqi Dinar, you now hold, was printed and distributed throughout Iraq. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . fiat Dollar, British Pound and European Euro were no longer recognized as legal tender anywhere in the world;. 6,026 likes · 89 talking about this. 2023 E District Delhi Scholarship:– The Welfare Department of SC/ST/OBC, Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, welcomes applications for Scholarship Schemes for the academic year 2023-24 from students belonging to the SC/ST/OBC/Minority category in the National Capital Territory of Delhi starting. IRAQI DINAR RUMOR, INTEL AND POSTS, Páginas. Bruce: On Fri. Central Bank of Iraq – Delete Zeros Off IQD Early 2017 – Arabic News. since NESARA is fully installed. At the last update which was late yesterday, they are expecting it to be a very hard work week next week. Dr Clarke Dinar. Dinar Daddy Exposed as Treasury Vault. I was told about the Iraqi dinar, at first I was a little skeptical and then I got the fever. When investing in the Iraqi dinar, you have to do your own research to get the latest dinar recaps and news. Let’s wait and see what he does. 2nd, what he “thinks” and his “gut feelings” are always just as accurate as his contacts, intel, chatter and “boards”. 23 Feb. US on full alert for redemption process. 60, now at 1190. Businesses can't ignore the power of social media platforms anymore if they want to reach their target audience and raise awareness of their business. . com. Lmao. 46 and then float. ” What…when? They don’t have to tell you when. At. . 1-23-2023. How many DAYS AFTER. The extremely speculative foreign currencies I’m watching that I may take a position in sometime in the future: 1. No comments: Post a Comment. On Zim Redemption:On Sun. 5 Dec. Read Full Article. 2023 the ISX Iraqi Dinar was listed on the Nasdaq. The site includes information about the Iraqi economy and the value of the Iraqi Dinar on the global stock market. Quick, easy and consolidated. Bruce: On Mon. Recent Post by Page. Yaw are not telling us a darn thing. There might be some rumor. The reinstatement is coming and I certainly hope they can pull it off in this January 2023. All I’m trying to do is eliminate the conspiracy theories and hype out of a legitimate opportunity. because the Dinar had revalued. More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday PM 2-21-2023. As with the rest of the site, there is no bashing or trash talk. Dinares Gurus. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. …. TNT Tony and RayRen98 host TNT Superfantastic conference calls. According to the White House statement in this regard, “there are still obstacles that impede the orderly reconstruction in Iraq, and the restoration and preservation. MarkZ: “On. I was invited, or more like urged to be on the Wingit Call on 10/25/2016. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . We all should realize by now the IQD is no longer pegged to the dollar…When I reviewed the Dr. Bond Holders should be able to access funds in their accounts. com Market tips. . 3 Jan, meaning those banks that weren’t accepted by the new financial system because they were functioning on fiat money were now being forced to either. I have an idea based on policy. Create new account. . Keep the Faith Always was founded by Frank26. 29 Dec. Nick And TNTBS on Wingit Call – Transcript and Video October 28 2016. I believe the Billion Sow charts should be mailed on Thursday. It was founded in 2011 by an unknown person or organization who claimed to have exclusive knowledge of the Dinar’s impending revaluation. ; Central Banks were shutting down — bankrupted. Those people…on the border. They own dinars and they’re trying to convince themselves that this isn’t real and they should sell it but…they can’t quite let go of the dinar. 10 Steps to Optimize Your Social Media Management: Unleash the Power of Social Media. Courtesy of Dinar Guru. - This is also the number you will be taxed on. Mountain Goat. There might be some rumor stuff from Dinar Recaps, Dinar Detectives, or Dinar Chronicles. com Joined April 2016 462 Following 14K Followers Tweets Replies Media Likes @dinardetective hasn’t Tweeted When they do, their Tweets will show up here. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . He primarily discusses the RV of the Iraqi dinar but also comments on world events, CBD benefits, etc. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. TNT July 22, 2023 TNT More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 7-21-2023 Dinar guru, presents Iraqi Dinar Guru Predictions, Iraq News, Dinar speculation and Iraqi DInar Revaluation. In today’s news I will base my commentary mostly around one particular article. 24 Sept , while the Zimbabwe. Frank26. The scam keeps going. Those monies were now converted to bonds and those bonds will be paid back to us as restitution. blogspot. IRAQI DINAR INVESTMENT, FINANCE AND BANKS MATTERS. It all started in 2003-04. 10 Steps to Optimize Your Social Media Management: Unleash the Power of Social Media Brian Cruz May 18, 2023 Social media is now an important part of our lives, both at home and at work. IRAQI DINAR RUMOR, INTEL AND POSTS, Páginas. For several years, the Iraqi Dinar has caught the attention of many investors and speculators.